Domestically Grown Momi Wakame Mini Bag

Seller: Tentatsu
Producer: Tentatsu
ID: 87
Densely aromatic and remarkably fresh-tasting dried wakame.
¥ 842
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¥ 842
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From the end of April to early May, the year's first wakame are drawn from the Sea of Japan and sundried by local fishermen. This young seaweed retains the brine and refreshing essence of the oceans from which it is harvested, boasting its title as domestic Japanese wakame. More suited for use as a finisher for pasta, salad or fresh rice than miso soup, the fragrance of this wakame easy takes center stage in a dish. Try a pinch sprinkled over chilled tofu or mix it into simply delicious onigiri rice balls.
Dietary Restrictions
  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Pescetarian
Technical Details
  • Product weight: 10 gr
  • Product height: 2 cm
  • Product width: 17 cm
  • Product length: 12 cm
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware the common allergens and dietary restrictions listed here are directly translated from the product’s packaging and information from the seller. We cannot guarantee the presence or lack of certain allergens/animal products in the products. Please use caution for any personal health concerns when consuming these products at your own risk.
Domestically Grown Momi Wakame Mini Bag is produced in Fukui prefecture.
Fukui Prefecture
As the oldest uni merchant in Japan, Tentatsu devotes itself even today to a philosophy of honor and craft in products made to please a lord. The multi-century history of Tentatsu is intimately tied to that of Fukui, Echizen, and the feudal lords of Matsutaira who once presided over it. As an official merchant of the domain, the company was crowned Tenno-ya (King of Heaven's Shop) in 1804, with a goal of producing a long-lasting uni product for wartime. This mission led to Tentatsu's original invention and famed product: salt-stored uni. The company's current title hails from the nickname "Tentatsu", given in the Meiji era, and its shio uni products are neatly wrapped in a reproduced map of Fukui castle dating from the Edo period.
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