Winners of the “Food Made Good” Sustainable Restaurant Awards Japan 2022

By Katie Thompson
Updated: October 11, 2024

Food Made Good Awards 2022

On November 14, 2022, the second Food Made Good Japan Awards 2022 organized by the Sustainable Restaurant Association Japan (SRA-J) was held to recognize restaurants in Japan for their achievements in sustainability. The awards were originally started by The Sustainable Restaurant Association in the UK and have been held once a year by Hong Kong SRA since 2020.  

Chef serving appetizers at the Food Made Good Japan Awards 2022

The Sustainable Restaurant Association Japan

The Sustainable Restaurant Association Japan supports businesses in the food service industry that operate sustainably and contribute to the construction of a sustainable food system. 17 of the SRA-J member restaurants were nominated for this year's awards. The awards are based on the SRA's three pillars of sustainability: sourcing, environment, and society. 

Sourcing recognizes restaurants highlighting local ingredients, sourcing fish responsibly, serving more vegetables and higher-quality meat, and supporting farmers.

Society focuses on restaurants treating their staff well, using their influence to promote sustainable dining, and supporting their local community. 

Environment recognizes restaurants that value natural resources, reduce, reuse and recycle and make efforts not to waste food. 

chocolate macarons on a plate

The Winners

Winner of the “Sourcing” category


Recognized as the only SRA-J member restaurant that manages to meet more than 70% of the criteria for "sourcing". They always look into how the fish they source is caught, to make sure they are supporting sustainable fishing practices. 

Winner of the sourcing category PIZZERIA GTALIA DA FILIPPO

Winner of the “Society” category

haishop cafe

Haishop offers a fair trade, vegan menu that has a focus on reducing food waste. The company was highly evaluated for its efforts to promote sustainability initiatives in cooperation with students, local communities, and NPOs, as well as for its ability to communicate socially in a way that is compatible with its business activities.

Winner of the society category haishop cafe

Winner of the “Environment” category


Recognized for their use of recycled materials and for utilizing all food waste instead of discarding it. The amount of food loss is measured and discussed with employees every day, in order to create an environment focused on sustainable food practices. 

Winner of the environment category TRATTORIA KENAL

The Grand Prize Winner


BOTTEGA BLU received high ratings for all three of the SRA’s pillars of sustainability.

For “sourcing”, they were recognized for their use of organic vegetables, fair trade ingredients, and fish sourcing methods that are in line with local market conditions. For “society” they help other restaurants create recipes to improve their sustainability, working on environmentally friendly practices together. They were also recognized for the “environment” pillar by supporting partner farmers to prevent food loss, using sustainable packaging, and using 100% renewable energy. 

The Grand Prize Winner BOTTEGA BLU

Bottega Blu was also the winner of the “Circular Economy Prize” for their involvement in the community and for spreading sustainable practices to others in Ashiya city.

a creative plate of food at the Food Made Good Japan Awards 2022

List of nominees: 

BOTTEGA BLU. (Ashiya, Hyogo)


Trattoria Kenal (Okayama Maniwa)

haishop cafe (Kanagawa/Yokohama)

Cuisine Kayanoya (Kyushu/Fukuoka)

SELVAGGIO (Ehime Prefecture, Kitauwa District)

L'OSIER (Ginza, Tokyo)

Japanese restaurant Tominari (Ishikawa/Wajima)

Graal (Miyagi/Sendai)

Oppla da Gtalia (Tokyo, Shakujii)

BAR Ashiya Diary (Hyogo/Ashiya)

Itakoyaki (Osaka Prefecture/Osaka City)

Vegetable Cuisine Furenchin (Osaka/Higashi-Osaka)

Nose Japanese Cuisine Shin (Osaka Nose)

The Capitol Hotel Tokyu All Day Dining "ORIGAMI" (Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo)

TRONCONE (Saitama/Tokorozawa City)

naturam (Futako Tamagawa, Tokyo)

We strive to be as accurate as possible and keep up with the changing landscape of Japan's food and travel industries. If you spot any inaccuracies, please send a report.
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Katie Thompson
Katie is a Tokyo-based, lifelong nomad whose love language is food. Blessed (and sometimes cursed) with a discerning palate, she’s on a constant journey to find the best flavors the world has to offer.
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